The second Graduation show of MASieraad Hasselt-Asmterdam 2024
Warm congratulations to the second cohort of MASieraad Hasselt-Amsterdam students: Jeannette Knigge, Diana Kirdeeva, Jiawei Xu, Yili Zhao, Mengying Sun.

This group of 5 talented students from all corners of the world presented their graduation work in a superb exhibition at SITE Nord in Amsterdam.
Jewellery is a way to show your identity. You adapt to the social needs of your environment. With my background as a goldsmith, I'm redefining my identity in contemporary jewellery, using my technical skills and the urge to make art.
My pieces raise questions about our social behaviour and people's expectations of themselves and others. – @kunstgoud
Is it possible to detach and separate oneself from things that in fact made you who you are? With this and more questions in the back of my mind I started a journey of looking for a new form of existence. Cut-off fingers became my medium - metaphorical and literal transformation process of detaching from the place of origin and finding a new configuration. –
My work starts from my own childhood, a great discomfort when I was on the beach, the spikiness of sand disturbing my skin, almost similar to my skin color, sand gives me a great feeling of insecurity by feeling lost and scared. Haunted by the feeling sand gave me, later I revealed the feeling is psychologically named ‘learned helplessness’. During my struggle, art was my only connection with the true world. Pulling me out again and again from my own cage of mind, art constantly brought me back to the present, patiently companied me for over two decades. Gradually, art led me to the beginning where my dolorous thought was bred, a vulnerable kid who thought she was being abandoned when she was one year old. In this work, I choose to use performance by revive my scene of pain, to give myself a second chance to see the truth of me and my surrounding. – @jiawei_xu99
Every moment is dying, and the dust will carry the memories. Dust can be seen as a witness to time. In my work I explore the possibilities of dust, a seemingly insignificant material, as an art material. Regardless of the type of dust collected, it is a medium for capturing the ephemeral and timeless aspects of life. With the help of a handheld vacuum cleaner and specially designed filters with symbols I collect dust, that can represent moments that have a special importance. – @_zhaoyili_
As humans, we crave for love and fear death. What we truly possess is the present, which is being stolen from us in this era of digital information. Jewellery serves to carry the metaphysical spiritual world of individuals or collectives. In my work I reflect on traditional and historical Chinese wedding and funeral jewellery, using combinations of wood or 3d printed nylon with silicon wafer chips. – @mengyingsuen
to stay updated on the newest projects
Potluck is back!
Before we start announcing our new show and start sharing amazing us, let’s resurr-ACT some of the moments from the last year
So this year as well you’re very welcome to come and enjoy with us the show, vivid conversation, a cup of coffee, some beers and of course, the shop!
Same place, same us [-2]
Alte-Westend-Apotheke, Ligsalzstraße 12, 80339
We’re open: 9:30—20:00 everyday from 28th of February to 1st of March, 9:30—13:00 on 2nd of March
Special events:
Opening party 29th of Feb Thursday: from 19:00pm till last beer🍻

POP-UP groupshow MASieraad In Flux Current Obsession Jewellery Festival!
On 18 and 19 November Liesbeth den Besten opens her house for the pop-up groupshow MASieraad In Flux, showing new work of alumni and present students of MASieraad.
All participants are living in temporary places and countries, forging collaborations, and considering ways how to position oneself.
MASieraad Alumni Exhibit during Current Obssesion Jewellery Festival!
Opening event: 10 November 19-22 hrs
Opening hours: 11-12 November 12-20 hrs
Location: Berenstraat 17, Amsterdam
huis / dům / בַּיִת / casa
Surrounded by our life we are at home.
House as naked foundation which change into home when we paint life on the walls.
House as a shield, a container for the sacred moments of the personal.
House as a shelter for togetherness, a place of welcoming, a glimpse into the other.
House as a metaphor of belonging.
Three alumni students and one teacher from MASieraad present an installation of four constructed spaces, a co-living scenario for exploring the relationships of jewellery and habitation.
Within a neighborhood, each one stands on their private plot, alongside, creating a conversation.
Ruudt Peters Huis
Daniel Jirkovsky Dům
Yotam Bahat בַּיִת
Ana Escobar Casa
Opening event: 10 November 19-22 hrs
Opening hours: 11-12 November 12-20 hrs
Location: Berenstraat 17, Amsterdam
huis / dům / בַּיִת / casa
Surrounded by our life we are at home.
House as naked foundation which change into home when we paint life on the walls.
House as a shield, a container for the sacred moments of the personal.
House as a shelter for togetherness, a place of welcoming, a glimpse into the other.
House as a metaphor of belonging.
Three alumni students and one teacher from MASieraad present an installation of four constructed spaces, a co-living scenario for exploring the relationships of jewellery and habitation.
Within a neighborhood, each one stands on their private plot, alongside, creating a conversation.
Ruudt Peters Huis
Daniel Jirkovsky Dům
Yotam Bahat בַּיִת
Ana Escobar Casa
Opening hours: 11-12 November 12-20 hrs
Location: Berenstraat 17, Amsterdam
huis / dům / בַּיִת / casa
Surrounded by our life we are at home.
House as naked foundation which change into home when we paint life on the walls.
House as a shield, a container for the sacred moments of the personal.
House as a shelter for togetherness, a place of welcoming, a glimpse into the other.
House as a metaphor of belonging.
Three alumni students and one teacher from MASieraad present an installation of four constructed spaces, a co-living scenario for exploring the relationships of jewellery and habitation.
Within a neighborhood, each one stands on their private plot, alongside, creating a conversation.
Ruudt Peters Huis
Daniel Jirkovsky Dům
Yotam Bahat בַּיִת
Ana Escobar Casa
The first Graduation show of MASieraad Hasselt-Asmterdam 2023
Warm congratulations to the first cohort of MASieraad Hasselt-Amsterdam students: Yotam Bahat, Jana Brevick, Laila Marie Costa, Ana Escobar Saavedra, Daniel Jirkovsky, Meeree Lee, Jinzi Liu, Into Niilo, and Yifan Zhang.
This group of 9 talented students from all corners of the world presented their graduation work in a superb exhibition at Looiersgracht 60 in Amsterdam. The exhibition design was guided by Aldo Bakker.
The diverse background and identity of the students led to a creative melting pot in which fascinating ideas and concepts were explored. Questioning and exploring one's own identity is a reality for many of the students, but geopolitical and ecological issues also play a role in their work. While the relationship with the body and the human being is central to the work of all.
Click here for the exhibition document with all information about the participants and their work.
We are very proud to present a photo gallery of the Amsterdam exhibition at looiersgracht 60, with many thanks to photographer Tijmen Smeulders @tijmen_smeulders.
Identity, identification, and representation explored through, among other things, hand-carved stone objects inspired by containers for data storage, memory, and social constructions.
For Ana Escobar Saavedra, the Colombian student who ended up in Dubai after many wanderings and followed part of the program online, her identity is both porous and a daily reality. Identity, identification and representation are reflected in, among other things, poetic hand-carved stone objects inspired by data storage containers.

1. Standard/Unique series, birth bracelet, A4 page, ID-1/CR80 id cards, ID-3/B7 passports, variety of carved granite and marble.
2. Rite de passage / Right of passage, locket/Box, carved shiva gold granite, brass.
3. Nest, locket/box, carved marble, brass.
4. Mirror, carved marble, cotton.
5. Celeste, pendants installation, brass lockets, poli-cotton thread, print on archival matt photographic paper.
6. Elizabeth, print on archival matt photographic paper and watercolor paper.
7. #5 / #40, hand embossed velum.
8. Mending, found wooden chair, prints on archival matt photographic paper.
9. Fragmenting and Reconstructing series, baskets and weavings, prints on archival matt photographic paper.
10. Destino, brooch/pendant, found stone, brass, steel.
11. Id 4, pendant, carved marble, poli-cotton threads.
12.The last layer, necklaces and objects, carved found stones, poli-cotton thread. – @anaescobarsaavedra
A pilgrimage with marked stones in Czech Republic, and brooches made from the leftover material, to rescue from oblivion the genocide of the Sudeten Germans in Czechoslovakia just after the end of WWII.
Daniel Jirkovsky researched his family history of Sudeten Germans in former Czechoslovakia.The marking of Sudeten Germans with an N, their exile and a genocide took place in Czechoslovakia shortly after WWII ended. Daniel brings this painful history out of oblivion by marking stones on site along a kind of pilgrimage. He transforms the N he cut out of the stones into wearable jewellery in the shape of a mirrored N.

1. A collection of 15 brooches, “N”, various carved stones and stainless steel. – @jirkovski
With an ambivalent and dazzling jewellery collection, the artist moves on the territory of rebellion, dissidence, freedom and fear.
With her ambivalent jewellery collection I have nothing two hide, Into Niilo moves into the terrain of rebellion, dissidence, freedom and fear. Like a modern Robin Hood, she imagines in her Sabotage Repair Shop repairing precious jewellery, replacing the gems and charging the imitation stones with messages readable with UV light. The genuine gemstones are used to repair injustice.

|Revolution Nein!| series:
1. |I have nothing to hide| pearl necklace, artificial pearls [vintage]; silver [925] + white rhodium; 3d print [stainless steel]; nylon thread.
2. |Solitary cell| pearl necklace, cultured pearls; gold [14K]; oxidized silver [925]; nylon thread. *Memorial, Russia’s oldest and most prominent human rights organization and a 2022 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, counted 558 political prisoners in the country as of April 3. |I am [not] afraid| choker, MOP colored beads [vintage]; oxidized silver [925]; resin; nylon thread.
|Sabotage Repair Shop| series:
4. |I have nothing to hide| necklace, silver [925] + white rhodium; synthetic quartz [emerald cut [23p 479ct]]; UV nail polish + resin.
5. ⠛⠑⠝⠑⠎⠊⠎ 9:6 |Genesis 9:6| ring set, silver [925] + white rhodium; cubic zirconia + UV Nanosital[R] [brilliant cut [157p 16,5ct]]; UV nail polish + resin. *Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind **written in Braille.
6. .--. .-. --- ..- -.. .-- .. ..-. . --- ..-. .- .-- .- .-. -.-. .-. .. -- .. -. .- .-.. |Proud wife of a war criminal| necklace, silver [925] + white rhodium; cental stone| Nanosital[R] + synthetic spinel [cushion cut [173.5ct]]; cubic zirconia [brilliant cut [189p 661ct]] *Morse code
7. |Götterdämmerung [Lust for lustration]| brooch, vintage brooch [c.1950]; cental stone| synthetic quartz [oval cut [65ct]] + silver [925] + white rhodium; UV nail polish + resin *Lustration in Central and Eastern Europe is the official public procedure of scrutinizing a public official or a candidate for public office in terms of their history as a witting confidential collaborator [informant] of relevant former communist secret police, an activity widely condemned by the public opinion of those states as morally corrupt, due to its essential role in suppressing political opposition and enabling of persecution of dissidents. – @in2into
Addressing the old work of digging, burying and transport, the shovel fulfills basic desires by extending the force of the human body. Twisting aspects with illumination or a gesture and material shift, the tool of drudgery morphs into one of exploration, creation and destruction.
The shovel as an extension of the body is Jana Brevick’s theme. By recreating the shovel, she wants to highlight the experience of labor in a different way. When the shovel, a tool of drudgery, gives light, we gain a different relationship with it.Tools that are like rings around the fingers give rise to new movements of the hand.

1. Digging in the Dark, video and stills with various new tools.
2. Re-Tooled, printed PLA tool with LEDs, electric cord, 1550x230x100 mm.
3. Nigt Moves, printed PLA tool with LEDs, electric cord & paper, 365x124x78 mm.
4. Cut, fabricated sterling silver, 1.15tcw diamond melee (G, H, L-M, top light brown, champagne cognac and pink diamonds & mixed clarity grades) & leather, 80x70x70 mm, 128g.
5. Grab, fabricated sterling silver, leather tool, 89x128x45 mm, 130g.
6. Jab, fabricated sterling silver & leather tool, 168x115x40 mm, 183g.
7. Gardener’s Delight #1, Reflective textile, muslin, zipper and garden shovel or fabric, 980x120x50 mm.
8. Gardener’s Delight #2, reflective adhesives and garden shovel, 1250x185x90 mm –
The beauty of the cycle of nature lead Jinzi to a collection of silver rings for the palm of the hand. By closing your hand and opening it a flower starts blooming.
Under the spell of the beauty of the cycle of nature, Jinzi Liu decided to make the move from the temporary to the permanent. She designed a collection of silver rings for the palm of the hand.

1. A collection of 17 rings, 15171, Silver, graphite. – @jinziliu.liujinzi
The bizarre jewellery and costumes seem picked up straight off the street but turn out to fit seamlessly on the body. They generate sound, movement and thus new stories.
Laila Marie Costa has made her neurodiversity and irrepressible collectiveness the subject of a project that focuses on jewellery, movement, sound and interaction with the body.The hoard, found, cleaned and sorted, became the subject of her work. Her bizarre jewellery and costumes appear to have been picked up straight off the street but, thanks to a continuous process of watching, testing and adapting, turn out to fit the body seamlessly.

1. Neckpiece for a Brave New World, wood chair frame, crucifix found on Amsterdam street, used nangs, miscellaneous collected, found and gifted materials, mattenklopper, and steel wire.
2.The Know It all Corrective Disfunction Slabber, necklace, wine bottle tops, bells, found wire and steel wire.
3.The Shy Clingy Child, necklace, used kitchen cloth, embroidery thread, onyx & base metal fastener and sterling silver wire.
4.The Quiet Introverted Ugly SilentType, necklace, foam insulation, bamboo straws, cotton thread and steel wire.
5. The Strangely Charming and Annoying One, necklace, wooden eggcups, tamborine zills, washers and other collected metal materials, eyelets and steel wire.
6.The Lagerphone for the Broken Hearted, necklace, wooden canvas stretcher, beer bottle tops collected at the Akademie’s opening at MJW 2022, nails, plastic beads, eyelets, acrylic paint and steel wire.
7.The Angular & Argumentative Character, bracelet, bike parts, maracas, glassframe arms, base metal found bracelet, and steel wire.
8.The Angsty Misunderstood Btweenager, necklace, wooden letterbak, found, collected and gifted materials and objects, coffee pod capsules and steel wire.
9.The Uninvited Party crasher, bracelet, found and collected materials, escargot shells, maracas and steel wire. – – @lazyliberty
Meeree Lee has expanded the parure (the classic jewellery set of matching jewellery) with a jewellery box, which transcends space and time, and embodies personal values.
Meeree Lee, who comes from a family of jewellers, extends the parure (the classic jewellery set of matching jewellery), with jewellery boxes. With the boxes, she aims to create space for subsequent additions to the jewellery set which transcend space and time and embody personal values.

1. Object [Paru...]re, Photo, wall frame, an earring, 14k gold mokume gane nails, 24k gold, 14k pink gold, wood, paper, optical film.
2. Object [Parure], Parure on the Box, velvet woods, magnets, brass lock handle and buttons, cushion, silver.
3. Object [Pa][ru][re], Flower fields jewelry show case, hand dyed recycled fabrics, thread, left over plastic buttons from fab lab, helped by lovely angels.
4. Object, Pa...[rure] vol 1, Object to box necklace, paper towel, thread, PET, rubber.
5. Object, Pa...[rure] vol 2, Box to object brooch, vintage jewelry box, sponge, polymer clay, brass. – @2mm_eeeeee
With her missing No 9, Yifan Zhang wants to activate visitors to participate in her project in which the concept of participationis used in a non-coercive way. In her poster, she connects all 9 participants, for which she uses elements from their projects. Visitors can further extend the exhibition by taking stickers from the poster, sticking them on their clothes and taking them out into the world.

1. Poster with stickers, Selective Memory.
2. Book, Selective Memory.
The crowd; Crowding - you and me, me and you, you and you, and me and me. Options and expressions by a jewelry maker for describing unity, life, and the fact that we are glued together.
Responding to the cultural struggle flaring up internationally, Yotam Bahat made objects and jewellery that are at once antidotes and utopias. His symbolic human figures merge and expand, away from a separatist past. His objects and jewellery are visualizations and expressions of a utopian world where we can see the other as part of us and feel compassion.

1. Crowded Crowd, A group of jewellery, drawings and objects, paper, pencil, cutting discs, colours and paint, aluminium, copper, brass, faith, steel, silver, glass beads, pewter, wood, Perspex, glass, thread (different types), bronze, ribbon, PVC, printed PLA, used Amazon package, glue, cardboard, wax, pearls, zirconia, sapphire. – @yotambahat
Spring school is in April, join us!
assistant: KOEN JACOBS
The springschool is a new initiative of MASieraad, intended for students or graduates of art academies, and artists/designers/teachers that seek to deepen their work. We are looking for an international group of participants. At the first spring school Aldo Bakker, Liesbeth den Besten, Ted Noten and Ruudt Peters give each one day of teaching. MAGNITUDE takes place in the Dutch countryside.

In astronomy, MAGNITUDE is a unitless measure of the brightness of an object in a defined passband, often in the visible or infrared spectrum, but sometimes across all wavelengths. An imprecise but systematic determination of the magnitude of objects was introduced in ancient times by Hipparchus.
In this springschool MAGNITUDE we learn how to look, work, write, and talk. The tree artists and art-historian guide you on the way to delve deeper into your own visual language and get a better understanding of your artistic language.
In MAGNITUDE we emphasize an awareness of your place as artist/jewellery-maker in the jewellery field. MAGNITUDE is about strength, we will positively convert this energy into art and art- jewellery.
It can be difficult to stick clearly to your concept until the very end – critics, former teachers or the wearer are always looking over your shoulder. In MAGNITUDE we will silence those inner voices and celebrate the making, trying to discover MAGNITUDE in all its possible entities. You learn to think open minded in MAGNITUDE and give shape to your own dreams.
The MAGNITUDE springschool is built on a step-by-step process of education in which an end product is not the most important goal. The emphasis lies on personal guidance and development. The participants are given the tools with which to continue this process on their own. By means of direct action people learn to take steps.
We arrange an ‘open call’ especially for BA students from art-schools who are in their final BA program, they can apply to attend MAGNITUDE for a reduced price of € 1275,-- exclusive 21% VAT tax. There are only 3 spots available, Deadline 1st of February 2023. How to apply? Please send with your application: 1, Letter of recommendation from your professor. 2, Official certificate of registration from your university. 3, statement about why you want to attend the workshop and what you want to learn.
- Dates: 11 till 14 April, 2023.
- Arrival: Tuesday, 11rd April, 2023, 9.00 hrs at the train station of Ravenstein.
- The course starts: Tuesday, 11rd April, 2023, 10.00 hrs at the summer studio.
- The course ends: Friday, 14th April, 2023,
- Departure: Friday, 14th April, 2023, 19.00 hrs. at the train station of Ravenstein.
- Place: Summer studio, Ravenstein the Netherlands
- Accommodations: 2 / 4 person rooms, de Maasgaarde, Megen.
- Price: Including accommodation, food, drinks, wine, and insurance.
€ 1775,- exclusive 21% VAT tax
Non European participants don't have to pay 21% VAT tax
European participants with a valid VAT number do not have to pay VAT
REGISTRATION Please mail to:
- application form
- 6 images of your work, only in 72 dpi.
- photo of yourself
- curriculum vitae
- statement of motivation: why you like to participate
Amount: ±12 persons can participate in the course
Language: English, German, Dutch
Registration closes: 1st of April 2023
Participation: Registrations are processed in the order in which they arrive.
Total payment: The total springschool fee has to be paid 1st of April 2023 before the workshop starts. This sum confirms the participation and is non refundable. Please transfer at : M.P. PETERS with mention of MASieraad - IBAN NL12 ABNA 0590 4588 41 - BIC-Swift ABNANL2A - ABN AMRO BANK, Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, 1082 PP Amsterdam, the Netherlands (We send you an invoice, we don’t accept cheques)
If we receive your application and total payment before the 1st of February 2023 a discount on the price will be given, discount price: € 1575,-- euro exclusive 21% VAT tax
For more information:
We would be very grateful if you would pass on this information to other interested artists & jewellery makers.
Potluck by MASieraad will be back at Munich Jewellery Week this March at the same place as in 2022, but with an extended programme.
Join all of our students from 8-11 March at the Alte-Westend-Apotheke.
Potluck will be open:
9:00—20:00 everyday from the 8th to the 10th of March
10:00—17:00 on the 11th of March.
Special events:
Opening party from 20:00—23:00 on Thursday (9th) evening

Early bird coffee from 7:00—9:00 on Friday (10th) morning

Stay tuned!


Monday the 27th of February you can ask our teachers and students all about the 2-year MASieraad Master's Programme. All your questions about the application, master’s programme, teaching vision, and MASieraad philosophy will be answered during an online Q&A session. Sign up before Friday the 24th of February via:
See you then!
Monday the 27th of February at 6PM (Amsterdam Time)
The “SPIRIT OF LIFE” course by Ruudt Peters and Estela Saez Vilanova intends to stretch our mind, take advantage of the potential lying in ‘groupthinking’ as well as to facilitate the ground for fresh possibilities of practical experimentation.
“SPIRIT OF LIFE” will be taken as a starting point for this course, attempting to explore and therefore perceive new outlooks within our creative process, making interdisciplinary assignments in order to expand our boundaries while creating.
Life is precious by defect and sometimes we tempt to forget about the spirit within. Our aim is to achieve meaningful results and experiences in a metaphorical way.
All photos were taken during the “SPIRIT OF LIFE” course at MASieraad in Hasselt.

In December 2022 the first year students had their works from the workshop by Gijs and Louise evaluated at the PXL-MAD building in Hasselt. Here are some images of that day and of some of the works.

Jiawei Xu

Ruudt Peters taking a nap on Yili Zhao’s work


assistant: KOEN JACOBS
The springschool is a new initiative of MASieraad, intended for students or graduates of art academies, and artists/designers/teachers that seek to deepen their work. We are looking for an international group of participants. At the first spring school Aldo Bakker, Liesbeth den Besten, Ted Noten en Ruudt Peters give each one day teaching. MAGNITUDE takes place in the Dutch countryside.
In astronomy, MAGNITUDE is a unitless measure of the brightness of an object in a defined passband, often in the visible or infrared spectrum, but sometimes across all wavelengths. An imprecise but systematic determination of the magnitude of objects was introduced in ancient times by Hipparchus.
In this springschool MAGNITUDE we learn how to look, work, write, and talk. The tree artists and art-historian guide you on the way to delve deeper into your own visual language and get a better understanding of your artistic language.
In MAGNITUDE we emphasize an awareness of your place as artist/jewellery-maker in the jewellery field. MAGNITUDE is about strength, we will positively convert this energy into art and art- jewellery.
It can be difficult to stick clearly to your concept until the very end – critics, former teachers or the wearer are always looking over your shoulder. In MAGNITUDE we will silence those inner voices and celebrate the making, trying to discover MAGNITUDE in all its possible entities. You learn to think open minded in MAGNITUDE and give shape to your own dreams.
The MAGNITUDE springschool is built on a step-by-step process of education in which an end product is not the most important goal. The emphasis lies on personal guidance and development. The participants are given the tools with which to continue this process on their own. By means of direct action people learn to take steps.
We arrange an ‘open call’ especially for BA students from art-schools who are in their final BA program, they can apply to attend MAGNITUDE for a reduced price of € 1275,-- exclusive 21% VAT tax. There are only 3 spots available, Deadline 1st of February 2023. How to apply? Please send with your application: 1, Letter of recommendation from your professor. 2, Official certificate of registration from your university. 3, statement about why you want to attend the workshop and what you want to learn.
Dates: 11 till 14 April, 2023.
Arrival: Tuesday, 11rd April, 2023, 9.00 hrs at the train station of Ravenstein.
The course starts: Tuesday, 11rd April, 2023, 10.00 hrs at the summer studio.
The course ends: Friday, 14th April, 2023,
Departure: Friday, 14th April, 2023, 19.00 hrs. at the train station of Ravenstein.
Place: Summer studio, Ravenstein the Netherlands
Accommodations: 2 / 4 person rooms, de Maasgaarde, Megen.
Price: Including accommodation, food, drinks, wine, and insurance.
€ 1775,-- euro exclusive 21% VAT tax
Non European participants don't have to pay 21% VAT tax
European participants with a valid VAT number do not have to pay VAT
REGISTRATION Please mail to:
- 6 images of your work, only in 72 dpi.
- photo of yourself
- curriculum vitae
- statement of motivation: why you like to participate
Amount: ±12 persons can participate in the course
Language: English, German, Dutch
Registration closes: 1st of April 2023
Participation: Registrations are processed in the order in which they arrive.
Total payment: The total springschool fee has to be paid 1st of April 2023 before the workshop starts.
This sum confirms the participation and is non refundable.
Please transfer at : M.P. PETERS with mention of MASieraad
IBAN NL12 ABNA 0590 4588 41 - BIC-Swift ABNANL2A
ABN AMRO BANK, Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, 1082 PP Amsterdam, the Netherlands
(We send you an invoice, we don’t accept cheques)
If we receive your application and total payment before the 1st of February 2023 a discount on the price will be given, discount price: € 1575,-- euro exclusive 21% VAT tax
For more information:
We would be very grateful if you would pass on this information to other interested artists & jewellery makers.

MAsieraad welcomes Aldo Bakker as a new teacher for the master programme, he succeeds Gijs Bakker from january 2023 on.
Aldo Bakker (1971) is an internationally acclaimed designer of objects and products in various materials and techniques.
The self-taught designer works in close collaboration with various craftsmen and manufacturers. His work is represented by Carpenters Workshop Gallery (NY/Paris/London/LA), Karakter (Copenhagen), Thomas Eyck (NL), J.Hill's Standard (Ireland), Lobmeyr (Vienna), among others.
Aldo's work is regularly exhibited around the world and his work has been included in several museums, including MoMa and Cooper Hewitt in NY, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Kunstmuseum Den Haag, Boijmans in Rotterdam, Mudac in Lausanne and CID in Hornu/Belgium. He won several international design awards. He taught at the Design Academy Eindhoven from 2002 to 2016.

2023-2025 IS NOW OPEN!
To all the jewellery birds out there: our application for the master programme 2023-2025 is now open.

MASieraad offers a unique and extensive two-year master in contemporary jewellery design.
The student body, international with diverse cultural and creative backgrounds, together with teachers from different artistic careers and methodologies, allows for a fascinating dynamic where ideas and collaborations flourish. The additional guest lecturers at the campus throughout the year are invited to bring exposure to new ideas, mediums and techniques, and to help the students network with globally connected professionals.
We are MASieraad, we are approachable, and we are highly independent. Our programme is aligned with the official international standards for higher art education, which is guaranteed by our collaboration with PXL-MAD in Hasselt.
Successful completion of the programme leads to a master’s degree in Visual Arts specialization: Jewellery Design, Gold and Silversmithing and a certificate MASieraad H-A.
Admission Requirements
To be admitted as a student to the Masterclass Program MASieraad H-A, students must be able to present minimally a bachelor’s degree, preferably in the field of jewellery or another relevant field such as design, fashion, visual art, or architecture. Students who have no prior education in jewellery will take a number of courses specifically focused on technology in the first year.
Application and Registration
The registration procedure consists of the following steps:
Application deadline : 1 Feb — 15 March 2023
• 16 March – 23 March 2023 (interviews)
• August 15: Payment balance is due
Application deadline: 1 April — 15 Juni 2023
•16 June – 26 June 2023 (interviews)
• August 15: Payment balance is due
The student applies here.
The student is assessed on education level, proficiency in the English language and quality of portfolio.
After years of his loving energy while teaching at MASieraad Gijs Bakker has decided to make way for someone new (but more on that soon). Gijs will support and stay involved with MASieraad, but will no longer teach after his last workshop with Louise Schouwenburg in december 2022.
Gijs will be missed greatly by the students and board of MASieraad.

In September of 2022 the students and teachers of MASieraad came together at Ravenstein for various workshops with Ruudt Peters & Estela Saez Vilanova and Ted Noten & Kalkidan Hoex.

The first year at MASieraad ended with an assesment for all of the nine students in June 2022. Below you will find some images of the works presented at the End of Year assesment.


Kalkidan is a jewellery designer exploring the meaning of identity as posited through current trends and style. In her multi-disciplinary work Hoex examines the pervasive feeling of living between two worlds that has followed her for most of her life as a Ethiopian adopted and raised in Netherlands. Her work speaks directly to those she considers a part of her own identity: youth of mixed descent, who were adopted out of their country or origin or had to flee with their families from their birthplace. As a person and an artist, she values how jewelry can communicate with us. For her being interdisciplinary gives her the ability to tell ones story different ways.
Hoex will join MAsieraad as Ted Noten’s partner teacher. They met once and it hitted off straight away. Their workshop is aimed at social urgency and relevance. ‘We will focus on the context. Solutional thinking and making are very important in our view. We will also focus on marketing strategy, and ways to learn how to position yourself as a designer in a diffuse market.’
Welcome to MASieraad, Kalkidan.
The students of MASieraad Hasselt-Amsterdam are present in MUNICH JEWELLERY WEEK 2022
Nine creative bodies from within the space time continuum of MASieraad want to talk to you. They want to introduce themselves as a stew. They are one entity, one cluster. These creative bodies have furthered each other’s ideas and outcomes, bubbled together, growing more together than they ever could apart.
PotLuck presents the raw ‘outtakes’ of their time in the MASieraad program. The space will contain jewellery, wearable objects, works in progress, material studies, sketchbook entries, video, photography, music, failures and successes. The works of individual artists will overlap in the exhibition space, creating mystery and demonstrating their interrelation without giving away too much about their final collections.
They invite you to join their celebration of crafting, questioning, materialising, laughing, crying, creating, curiosity, confusion, delusion and grandeur.

06.07 – 08.07.2022
Open: Wed 11:00-19:00, Thu 11:00-21:30, Fri 11:00-19:00
Adress: Alte WESTEND Apotheke — Ligsalzstraße 12, Munich, Germany
Extra events:
Thursday display performance 11:00-20:00, opening event 19:00-21:30
Friday talks, starting at 14:00
Liesbeth den Besten : ENERGY
Jana Brevick: This Infinity Fits in my Hand
Laila Marie Costa : Unpacks the interior bezoar
Ruudt Peters : The power of MASieraad
powered by MASieraad and PXL-MAD: Yotam Bahat, Jana Brevick, Laila Marie Costa, Daniel Jirovskỳ, Meeree Lee, Jinzi Liu, Into Niilo, Ana Escobar Saavedra, Yifan Zhang

The Auto-Ethnographic Turn in Design
Partner teacher Louise Schouwenburg, in collaboration with Michael Kaethler, recently published The Auto-Ethnographic Turn in Design (Valiz, 2021)

Auto-ethnography gives an authority to the designer as someone with something to say and a means to say it. Puts forward a broad scope of what auto-ethnographic design entails: situating the designer at the heart of the research and connecting this position to the culture of design and the broader cultural realm. Contains a wide variety of both conversations as well as practices related to this important turn within design
MASieraad Alumni
Challenging Jewellery alumni Eva van Kempen reworked her Master thesis on filigree (2020) at the Sandberg Instituut and published it in the peer reviewed Journal of Jewellery research (May 2021).The title of her article is The Filigree Ambassador: A Strategy to Revive an Intangible Cultural Heritage & Preliminary New Theory on the Origin of Filigree
Find Eva’s research published in theJournal of Jewellery Research – Volume 04
The Filigree Ambassador: A Strategy to Revive an Intangible Cultural Heritage
The Filigree Ambassador: A Strategy to Revive an Intangible Cultural Heritage
MASieraad online Q&A session

Want to know more about the
MASieraad Hasselt Amsterdam Masters Programme?
Join us for an online Q&A session with Gijs Bakker, Ted Noten,
Liesbeth den Besten & Ruudt Peters.
21 January 2022 at 5.00 PM Amsterdam Time via Zoom
Subscribe by mail:
We are happy to introduce you that Estela Saez will be joining the MASieraad team.
She will be the partner teacher for Ruudt Peters. Together they will be giving a 6 week intense MAStudio workshop.
See more of her insights via the interview below.
2022-2023 Applications Opening for MASieraad Hasselt-Amsterdam

MASieraad has officially started its international two-year Masterclass Programme MASieraad Hasselt–Amsterdam, or MASieraad H-A. The integrated educational Programme is in collaboration with PXL-MAD School of Arts Hasselt.
Follow the academic year and programme on instagram or contact for more information.
The application rounds have started for the new academic year 2022-2023.
The registration procedure consists of the following steps:
- 20 November 2021 – 17 January 2022: The student applies via the link The student is assessed on education level, proficiency in the English language and quality of portfolio.
- 18 January – 6 February 2022: After admission to the second round, the student has a personal interview with teachers from MASieraad H-A and may or may not be admitted to a definitive enrollment.
- 1 March – 16 April: Definitive registration subject to simultaneous payment of an advance of € 3500,-
- August 15: Payment balance is due
Mingler Scholarship, deadline 1 March 2020
A Mingler Scholarship will be made available once a year for a collaboration between a scientist and an artist. The Scholarship is intended for artists (from all artistic disciplines) and scientists (researchers from the Humanities, Social and Natural Sciences) who want to start a research project together. Only collaborations between art and science are eligible for the Scholarship
The Scholarship consists of a sum of € 10,000 (ten thousand euros).
Application form
The application form must be sent to before March 1, 2020.
Challenging Jewelry students workshops in Shanghai, december 2019

Challenging Jewellery presented a lottery "The Slow Reveal" on the 8th of November 2019
With this
lottery, the students wanted to raise money to finance their artist in
residence in Shanghai. Both the graphic design of the invitation, and the
presentation were of a very high level. On social media and by email, interested
collectors and buyers were invited to come to the party / performance. In this
disco-like setting, every piece of jewelry was displayed in a very disruptive
manner. A gray walking curtain, with one arm held out, presented each piece of
jewellery or object, while a distant automated voice praised the work to the
public. The anonymous curtain with the jewellery, danced to the music through
the room. It was a totally different way to promote jewellery: it was playful, entertaining,
original and effective.
Ruudt Peters
Ruudt Peters

Working session, 23rd of October 2019
A busy day and good vibes today at the Trippenhuis, seat of the KNAW (Royal Academy of Science and Society of Arts), to discuss the future of MASieraad. With Ruudt Peters, Leo Versteijlen, Liesbeth in ‘t Hout, Liesbeth den Besten, Ted Noten and Gijs Bakker.

Challenging Jewellery assesments, 12th of June 2019
MASieraad's first project started at the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam, as a temporary experimental 2-years Master called Challenging Jewellery.

MASieraad is at present in conversation with China Academy of Art, Hangzhou about their educational program.
On the 29th of March 2019 Board members Ruudt Peters en Leo Versteijlen organized an excursion with the MA students of Challenging Jewellery (Sandberg Institute Amsterdam) to Antwerp, where they visited the Wunderkammer created by Axel Vervoordt at the DIVA Museum, and got a private tour at Het Kanaal, in Wijnegem, Axel Vervoordt’s architectural project, where living, working, culture and art merge in an industrial and architectural
On the 15th of January 2019 Board member Gijs Bakker organized an excursion with the MA students of Challenging Jewellery (Sandberg Institute Amsterdam) to Schoonhoven, where they visited Studio Jan Matthesius, the Silvermuseum and the Vocational School of Gold-, Silversmithing, and Watch Making (Zadkine College, Schoonhoven).

Studio visit Jan Matthesius
Since October 2018 MASieraad is a foundation, aiming at the promotion of jewellery in a broad sense, through the organisation of education, workshops, lectures, exhibitions, and publications. The board consists of Gijs Bakker (chairman), Leo Versteijlen (treasurer), Liesbeth den Besten (secretary), Ted Noten and Ruudt Peters. Liesbeth in ‘t Hout is a supportive collaborator of the board.